Sunday, March 27, 2011

Temp Agencies

Be careful when using careerbuilder or Monster when looking for Admin work. I have been looking to be an administrative assistant or personal assistant and when I entered those keywords in the search bar, a lot of job postings show up saying "AA needed immediately w/ job specifics" but when you apply it goes to a temp agency. The temp agency will then call you in for an "interview". Even though it didn’t really feel like an interview more than meeting with a job placement manager. You then take standard computerized tests (i.e. word typing, excel, etc.) and after you talk about what you’re looking for.

I actually had interviews at 4 temp agencies - where I also filled out all the tax paperwork, thinking it wouldn't be long before I was working, that was over a month ago. It wasn't until last Friday I got the call that I would be placed as a receptionist at a law firm. I am very grateful for the opportunity to actually get to work, however, I just wish my temp agencies didn't get my hopes up that it would've been more instantaneous. But it was a good lesson in patience for me.

Patience is the number one thing you need when you are working through a temp agency (also when you are looking for a job in general). For anyone who really knows me, patience is not one of my strong suits. I like things in their place when and where they are supposed to be but I am working on lightening up and not letting it all get to me. I suggest taking a step back and taking your time when looking to join a temp agency, Do your research on the firm and pick the one that will work best to your advantage.

I know the work I get from a temp agency isn't going to be glamorous or "life fulfilling" but it will help pay the bills (and give me some more experience) until that dream job comes around. Just because I found work doesn't mean I am going to stop looking for that potential career. "When you do something you love it's a career and it doesn't seem like work" (all the time).

The thing about temp/recruiting agencies is you need to stay on top of them, call them at least once a week so they know you are still looking for work. When the agency offers you temp work, you should most likely take it right away when it’s offered, as you are never really sure as to when the opportunity will arise again.


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