Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I know there is a saying – “good things happen to those who wait,” but it’s hard to just sit and wait. I am the sanest when I have a ton of things to do, and sitting around waiting for a call back about a job or an interview makes me NUTS>
I have tried to find thing to occupy my time (i.e. starting this blog) but my mind continues to circle around the call or email I am waiting for. I am constantly checking my blackberry for service, emails, and any indication that something is going to happen for me.
Patience is a Virtue
A virtue I haven’t had in my possession until I started teaching myself yoga. I know it may sound like cliché but I really think it has been helping me relax a little and take a step back to realize again it’s only a matter of time before something good happens.
If you don’t believe that, then what is the point of life? I honestly think that everyone needs something to look forward to or needs goals to fulfill in life to keep moving and growing.
I keep thinking of Dory singing “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming” from Finding Nemo when I think of patience, because you need to keep moving forward and to keep pushing along until you reach that goal.
My patience has paid off however, since accepting the job at the law firm I have been offered two interviews within the music industry. Even though these jobs are not guaranteed I am just super excited to get the interviews in my field. That is the best relief I have felt in a long time. So just keep focused and everything will work out for you in the end.


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Cover Letters – Please Help

Writing an effective cover letter can be tricky. For me I have trouble not rewriting my resume in letter format. I also have a little problem making it pop when someone reads it, I feel like it just drones on and on. I know you really need to make it sell yourself; I have always had a hard time writing about myself.
A year or so ago, I asked a friend to help make a more generic one that I could just customize for each job I applied for. This has worked but now I feel like it sounds more like a robot wrote it rather than me. It just doesn’t have a pulse and definitely has no personality. I really want to learn how to take it to the top and make a “kick-ass” cover letter.
If anyone has any ideas or tips please let me know!! Leave your comments below and share them with the world. Cover letters are definitely my downfall and it is the area I need the most help when it comes to job searching.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Portfolios - Online or Physical?

I'm sorry its been so long since I last posted, but as Alex said, I did get a job and I'm still trying to get used to my schedule. Now down to business... 

I know everyone has Facebook or twitter accounts, but what about Linkedin or building your own website devoted to you and your work?

I got the idea to build a portfolio from my Linkedin profile. Sometimes you have letters of recommendation, projects you're proud of, or awards you deserved and you want to show them off (possibly with your resume to future employers).

Originally I only had a "hard copy" of my portfolio - where I had my resume, a list of professional and personal references, letters of recommendation from previous employers and professors, awards and certificates. I have it all neatly together in a black leather binder with page protectors to keep everything up to par. I must say that I am very proud of it, well that is until I started going to interviews and no one ever asked to look at it or anything like that.

Then it hit me: if they wanted to really see all this information about me, they are more likely to Google me, rather than ask for my book. So I decided to create a website dedicated to be my online portfolio. Although it isn't completely finished, it is up for the viewing at ( My Portfolio ). This portfolio has snippets from my cover letters, a little blurb about my interests and me. But it mostly is about my work, my resume is available to view or for download, I have the letters of recommendation scanned in, and a few samples of my work. It is definitely a working progress but as I add to my portfolio it gives me more experience in than I wouldn't normally have.

There are plenty of options for free website builders out there. Some are super simple - just pick a layout and go. The only thing I really suggest is that you keep your really personal info at a minimum (i.e. Don't put your address or phone number and if on letters of recommendation they put their contact info, you should blur it out). Make the employer come to you for that.

I really think this is a good way to market yourself without it being too cheesy.


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Stay busy while being unemployed! (part one)

Hi everyone I'm Alex, the other half of halfwaythere. So while Kirsten is adjusting to her job situation (she did land a job) I'll try to post in between and keep our followers following!

So I suppose a lot of our (monthly) readers are our friends, but then there are the few out there, the far in between (.01% of our fanbase) that actually do not have jobs. You are the proud, the few (reading our blog), the unemployed. Well while I do want to express my condolences to your working life at the same time I would like to congratulate you for finding our blog!! You have sifted through the vast sands on the internet to find one piece of work worth reading! Good for you!

While you enjoy your temporary (hopefully) stay at this path in life whether your living it up or cramming your nose in a book or going insane, Your most likely trying to stay busy. The most important ideas I could suggest anyone who is currently not employed are three things:

1. Find a (legal) way to obtain money
2. Continue to search for a job while your obtaining money
3. Stay busy while your not searching for a job

Why do I say that? Well otherwise you'll go nuts! I personally feel if you don't stay busy you'll get depressed and lose hope. If you occupy yourself with silly (and not so silly) tasks and chores you'll pass the time between not having a job and eventually land a job. My luck has always been one month. You will apply for 80+ jobs and borderline giving up and then BAM 3 interviews in a week! So while it is important to stay searching this post is more about what you can do while you search for your "dream job":

Stay in Shape
Read a book
Reevaluate your budget
Reevaluate your savings
Do household repairs
Consider a career change
Find a new hobby
Go back to college
Learn a skill or trade
Search for cheaper insurance, phone service, etc...
Stay current with news
sell useless possessions
Go outside
Go on a vacation
Meet some new friends (Or reconnect with old ones)
Get involved with your local government
Ask yourself what you really want for life
Cut out coupons
Find free stuff online :
Conquer a fear
Learn the local public transit system
Limit TV use

Is there any you could think of or anything you did? Please feel free to comment or email and stay following for our next post!!

- A