Thursday, March 31, 2011

I Need... A Job

The crazy thing about life and careers is that:

"You need experience to get a job, but you need a job to gain experience."

It really is a catch 22. It stinks I know, but that is why I thought that getting work through a temp agency would be a way to gain some experience-even if its not long term. As you know I want to work in the music/entertainment industry, and one of the best ways to get in is to be an assistant, and working thru a temp agency will give me some office experience I wouldn't be able to get on my own (trust me I've tried).

Another crazy idea I had to add to my experience was starting this blog. It's helping me with my research and writing skills and helped me just getting out there to be noticed. I really needed an outlet to get my creative juices flowing and that could allow me to get out there and make my presence known. I'm sure it doesn't work out for everyone (my fate rests in your hands), but you would think trying is the first step to succeeding. If you want to get out of your current job and move on, but you're afraid you don't have the experience (but you have the knowledge) write about what you know. Maybe there is someone out there thinking about the same things.

You could try interning or temping to help you move on to a different field. Who is going to say no to free labor? Even if you have to work two jobs, it will be worth it in the end when you've found your "dream career." You need to be hungry for that job and strive to succeed to really make it in any field. It helps to think outside of the box to get new ideas and market yourself.


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