Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Portfolios - Online or Physical?

I'm sorry its been so long since I last posted, but as Alex said, I did get a job and I'm still trying to get used to my schedule. Now down to business... 

I know everyone has Facebook or twitter accounts, but what about Linkedin or building your own website devoted to you and your work?

I got the idea to build a portfolio from my Linkedin profile. Sometimes you have letters of recommendation, projects you're proud of, or awards you deserved and you want to show them off (possibly with your resume to future employers).

Originally I only had a "hard copy" of my portfolio - where I had my resume, a list of professional and personal references, letters of recommendation from previous employers and professors, awards and certificates. I have it all neatly together in a black leather binder with page protectors to keep everything up to par. I must say that I am very proud of it, well that is until I started going to interviews and no one ever asked to look at it or anything like that.

Then it hit me: if they wanted to really see all this information about me, they are more likely to Google me, rather than ask for my book. So I decided to create a website dedicated to be my online portfolio. Although it isn't completely finished, it is up for the viewing at ( My Portfolio ). This portfolio has snippets from my cover letters, a little blurb about my interests and me. But it mostly is about my work, my resume is available to view or for download, I have the letters of recommendation scanned in, and a few samples of my work. It is definitely a working progress but as I add to my portfolio it gives me more experience in than I wouldn't normally have.

There are plenty of options for free website builders out there. Some are super simple - just pick a layout and go. The only thing I really suggest is that you keep your really personal info at a minimum (i.e. Don't put your address or phone number and if on letters of recommendation they put their contact info, you should blur it out). Make the employer come to you for that.

I really think this is a good way to market yourself without it being too cheesy.


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