Sunday, April 17, 2011

Cover Letters – Please Help

Writing an effective cover letter can be tricky. For me I have trouble not rewriting my resume in letter format. I also have a little problem making it pop when someone reads it, I feel like it just drones on and on. I know you really need to make it sell yourself; I have always had a hard time writing about myself.
A year or so ago, I asked a friend to help make a more generic one that I could just customize for each job I applied for. This has worked but now I feel like it sounds more like a robot wrote it rather than me. It just doesn’t have a pulse and definitely has no personality. I really want to learn how to take it to the top and make a “kick-ass” cover letter.
If anyone has any ideas or tips please let me know!! Leave your comments below and share them with the world. Cover letters are definitely my downfall and it is the area I need the most help when it comes to job searching.


1 comment:

  1. Try ... it really helped me in preparing a Eye catching cover letter.Trust me it will surely help you

    Fax Letters
