Even before I moved to the city, I have been looking for jobs here. Even before I graduated I was on careerbuilder.com and manhattanjobs.com (as well as a few mores).
Once I moved here a friend suggested that I try jobfox.com. I figured it was similar to the other job boards, so I filled out the profile, posted my resume, and started my search.
I turned out to be very disappointed. My resume has over 10 years of work experience in mostly retail I would search jobs for admin/clerical or music, I would only get postings for minimum wage retail jobs even if I was looking for retail jobs, with the amount of experience I have I should be able to get something a little higher up than minimum wage. This was dissatisfying; especially since I would search for certain types of posts and the site felt I was only capable of working in retail.
A few days after my search, I received an email from jobfox about how horribly written my resume was and that I would never find a job until I paid a professional to re-do it. In the email they gave specific phrases I used that needed to be changed so it made me think a computer didn't just generate the ad for their resume writers. They even quoted me a price from their “professionals” and other places to look for professional resume writers. After I read this email I was completely turned off of ever using jobfox again. Yes, I'm sure my resume could use some help, but to approach a jobseeker like that is harsh and uncalled for. I'm sorry, I understand they are trying to market a product, but maybe use a little tact when approaching potential customers. Customers do not typically purchase items or services based on the fear a company bestows upon them.
I have since deleted my profile and unsubscribed to any and everything jobfox, yet I continue to receive emails from them.
I understand its very competitive to find a job, not only in NYC but everywhere especially with this economy. I take other peoples critiques very seriously and almost always consider them, but I do not like it when a website claims things so boldly. I honestly don't think its good business and I wouldn't ever recommend to anyone to use jobfox in their job hunt. There are many better sites out there.
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