Thursday, March 31, 2011

I Need... A Job

The crazy thing about life and careers is that:

"You need experience to get a job, but you need a job to gain experience."

It really is a catch 22. It stinks I know, but that is why I thought that getting work through a temp agency would be a way to gain some experience-even if its not long term. As you know I want to work in the music/entertainment industry, and one of the best ways to get in is to be an assistant, and working thru a temp agency will give me some office experience I wouldn't be able to get on my own (trust me I've tried).

Another crazy idea I had to add to my experience was starting this blog. It's helping me with my research and writing skills and helped me just getting out there to be noticed. I really needed an outlet to get my creative juices flowing and that could allow me to get out there and make my presence known. I'm sure it doesn't work out for everyone (my fate rests in your hands), but you would think trying is the first step to succeeding. If you want to get out of your current job and move on, but you're afraid you don't have the experience (but you have the knowledge) write about what you know. Maybe there is someone out there thinking about the same things.

You could try interning or temping to help you move on to a different field. Who is going to say no to free labor? Even if you have to work two jobs, it will be worth it in the end when you've found your "dream career." You need to be hungry for that job and strive to succeed to really make it in any field. It helps to think outside of the box to get new ideas and market yourself.


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Even before I moved to the city, I have been looking for jobs here. Even before I graduated I was on and (as well as a few mores).

Once I moved here a friend suggested that I try I figured it was similar to the other job boards, so I filled out the profile, posted my resume, and started my search.

I turned out to be very disappointed. My resume has over 10 years of work experience in mostly retail I would search jobs for admin/clerical or music, I would only get postings for minimum wage retail jobs even if I was looking for retail jobs, with the amount of experience I have I should be able to get something a little higher up than minimum wage. This was dissatisfying; especially since I would search for certain types of posts and the site felt I was only capable of working in retail.

A few days after my search, I received an email from jobfox about how horribly written my resume was and that I would never find a job until I paid a professional to re-do it. In the email they gave specific phrases I used that needed to be changed so it made me think a computer didn't just generate the ad for their resume writers. They even quoted me a price from their “professionals” and other places to look for professional resume writers. After I read this email I was completely turned off of ever using jobfox again. Yes, I'm sure my resume could use some help, but to approach a jobseeker like that is harsh and uncalled for. I'm sorry, I understand they are trying to market a product, but maybe use a little tact when approaching potential customers. Customers do not typically purchase items or services based on the fear a company bestows upon them.

I have since deleted my profile and unsubscribed to any and everything jobfox, yet I continue to receive emails from them.

I understand its very competitive to find a job, not only in NYC but everywhere especially with this economy. I take other peoples critiques very seriously and almost always consider them, but I do not like it when a website claims things so boldly. I honestly don't think its good business and I wouldn't ever recommend to anyone to use jobfox in their job hunt. There are many better sites out there.


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Temp Agencies

Be careful when using careerbuilder or Monster when looking for Admin work. I have been looking to be an administrative assistant or personal assistant and when I entered those keywords in the search bar, a lot of job postings show up saying "AA needed immediately w/ job specifics" but when you apply it goes to a temp agency. The temp agency will then call you in for an "interview". Even though it didn’t really feel like an interview more than meeting with a job placement manager. You then take standard computerized tests (i.e. word typing, excel, etc.) and after you talk about what you’re looking for.

I actually had interviews at 4 temp agencies - where I also filled out all the tax paperwork, thinking it wouldn't be long before I was working, that was over a month ago. It wasn't until last Friday I got the call that I would be placed as a receptionist at a law firm. I am very grateful for the opportunity to actually get to work, however, I just wish my temp agencies didn't get my hopes up that it would've been more instantaneous. But it was a good lesson in patience for me.

Patience is the number one thing you need when you are working through a temp agency (also when you are looking for a job in general). For anyone who really knows me, patience is not one of my strong suits. I like things in their place when and where they are supposed to be but I am working on lightening up and not letting it all get to me. I suggest taking a step back and taking your time when looking to join a temp agency, Do your research on the firm and pick the one that will work best to your advantage.

I know the work I get from a temp agency isn't going to be glamorous or "life fulfilling" but it will help pay the bills (and give me some more experience) until that dream job comes around. Just because I found work doesn't mean I am going to stop looking for that potential career. "When you do something you love it's a career and it doesn't seem like work" (all the time).

The thing about temp/recruiting agencies is you need to stay on top of them, call them at least once a week so they know you are still looking for work. When the agency offers you temp work, you should most likely take it right away when it’s offered, as you are never really sure as to when the opportunity will arise again.


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Dress to Impress

For any interview, no matter the kind of job, it is always a good idea to dress to impress your potential employer. You are marketing the most important product you will ever encounter, yourself.  First impressions can make or break you in an interview.

I remember while working in a retail-clothing store during college, the managers were conducting interviews for a few open positions. Only one out of four applicants were dressed for success, meaning in business/casual attire, the other three applicants were wearing dirty jeans and rip shirts. They were not hired based on the impression they gave by their attire on the day of their interview.

Dressing for success doesn’t always mean suit and tie, but making sure that you know the environment you are entering is a good start. If you were interviewing for a job in a corporate setting, then a suit would definitely be the most appropriate. If you are interviewing for a more casual job, a retail store for example, a pair of dress pants and fashionable yet appropriate top would work best.

As for hair and makeup: Less is more. It has been my impression that yes you would need to look presentable, but too much makeup can make it look like you are trying too hard. You definitely want to look fresh and clean. I always try to make my eyes pop, so I actually use those eye color specific shadows that CoverGirl and Almay sell, but that is just me, other people may like to go the natural route. Hair doesn’t have to be an updo done by a professional, but it should be nice and neat.

When you get the call to schedule an interview, your qualifications got you in, but you land the job based on that impression you give during your interview.  

Good Luck!


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Internships: Useful or Not?

As you saw in my previous post, I participated in a summer internship program, University of Dreams (now called Dream Careers). This program is an eight week program where you pick a city and use their staff to help you find that dream internship. When I was a sophomore in college, I noticed that in order to complete my major, I needed to compete two “internship courses” which could be considered like a co-op while still taking other courses. I started researching internships and came across University of Dreams (I’ll abbreviate to UofD), where they guaranteed an internship, room and board, and an assortment of activities for your weekends.

Being the city girl that I am, and knowing that New York would be the best place to find work in the music industry, I picked the NYC2008 UofD program. I had a great career coach (as I would call it), whose name was Cody. He sent me emails to help build my resume, updates on where he had sent my resume, and tips for performing the phone interview. UofD is an expensive program; I believe it was around $8,000 for the entire package (plus spending money of course). Being that UofD is affiliated with an accredited college, they were able to help defer the costs with student loans. At first I really had to think about this, should I take out another loan so that I can work for free or should I just get a summer job at home that will actually pay.  I knew that in the music industry it is definitely more of who you know, rather than what you know, so I decided to take a chance and sign up.

Personally, I’m glad I did, I will always remember that summer and the people I met along the way. My internship started off in the publicity department, then by chance I met the assistant to the GM of the label (who was also an aspiring A&R) and she was looking for a replacement for her current intern while he was working in another department at the label.  Actually our first conversation was her telling me I was another one of the useless publicity interns, and my response was “Oh, well that’s nice” and I just walked away. She liked that I wasn’t afraid to show that her opinion didn’t matter to me (I honestly didn’t realize who she was at the time) and she offered me the job the next day.

My point about my unpaid internship is that I know it shows the company that you are willing to do the work for free because it is something that you really want, and that shows real passion. If you are in college, I highly suggest participating in an internship whether it is required or not (whether its paid or not) because it is the best way to network and to show off what you are willing to do for something you want. And networking is what it is all about in landing that dream job.

“Find a job you love and you’ll never work a day in your life” – Confucius


Monday, March 14, 2011

Take My Hand and We'll Make it I Swear

Alex and I just recently moved to NYC and while our job hunt has been a bit frustrating, I decided to start this blog to not only fill up my time, but to help others in the same boat. I knew moving out here on a whim was not going to be easy, but I had high hopes. I am normally a fairly practical thinking person, however the apartment was available and I had saved up some money. Everything just added up and I knew I had to take a chance. This is the city where “dreams are made” and I firmly believe I will make it. I am just realizing that it may take a little longer to achieve my dreams than I initially anticipated.

A little background information on me:

I graduated from the University of New Haven in 2009 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Music Industry with a minor in Marketing. I also participated in a summer internship program through the then-called University of Dreams (now called Dream Careers). Internship programs like this can be a bit pricey, but I definitely feel that if you can get financial aid, it is definitely worth it. I had the best summer of my life! I lived in the NYU dorms in Union Square and worked at UniversalMotown. This was a dream come true. (Get it University of Dreams? Haha) I am still in touch with my boss from the internship, in fact we have become really good friends and she has helped me more than she realizes in my search for myself and my future career.

After college, I returned home and started searching for my dream job. I was unemployed for 2 months, and then I actually went to Bartending School hoping to earn some money while I looked for my dream job. After several weeks of no response in my NYC job search, I decided I needed some stability and needed to start saving so I could just pick up and move whenever the opportunity was to arise. So I was 22 years old living at home (like most of my college friends), working odd jobs in retail, and also a few bartending jobs. Two years went by and this opportunity to just move to the city came along. After some number crunching and some serious thought I convinced my friend to move with me and here we are.

This blog is not only to share my findings and understandings of the different job-hunting tools out there, but also to serve as a forum of success stories and to help give hope to everyone job-hunting out there.

I hope most people find this site useful and interesting. Please feel free to comment telling us your story, make suggestions for reviews, or for the site, or ask questions!
